Ouverture-facile walkthrough (English version) WARNING: COMPLETE SPOILERS

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Don't ruin the ouverture experience for yourself.. only look at the walkthroughs here as a last resort. Submissions for levels after 49 are welcomed by email: lyra.dellacqua@gmail.com.

Sunday 14 January 2007

Level 25

Level 25 URL: http://www.ouverture-facile.com/riddles/becomes/decadence.html

Clue: "ce n'est pas un phoque"

The clue translates as 'this is not a seal'. It's not.. it's a walrus. Translate walrus into french and you get: Morse.

Translate the background noises into morse code, using this table: http://www.babbage.demon.co.uk/morseabc.html

If you need to, you can record it and speed it up.

It spells out the word 'magic'.

Level 26 URL: http://www.ouverture-facile.com/riddles/becomes/magic.html

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